How to troubleshoot problems that occur when you start or use Word
Verify or install the latest updates
You might have to set Windows Update to automatically download and install recommended updates. Installing any important, recommended, and optional updates can frequently correct problems by replacing out-of-date files and fixing vulnerabilities. To install the latest Microsoft Office updates, see setup.
For list of the latest Office updates, see setup. If your issue is not resolved after you install the latest Windows and Office updates, go to method 2.
It's a good idea to make sure that your computer has the latest updates installed for Windows. Updates often fix software problems. Before you use any of the following methods, try first to install updates. After you install the updates, restart your computer, and then start Word.
Troubleshoot problems that occur when you start Word
Insert your document into another file
The final paragraph marks in a Word document contains information about the document. If the document is damaged, you may be able to retrieve the text of the document if you can omit this final paragraph mark.
To access documents but leave its final paragraph mark behind, follow these steps:
To access documents but leave its final paragraph mark behind, follow these steps:
1. On the File menu, click New and then click Blank Document.
2. On the Insert tab, click Object in the Text group, and then click Text from File.
3. Select the file that you want to open and insert, and then click Insert.
To install the latest Microsoft Office updates, see setup.
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